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Reach your full potential.png

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Reach your full potential (1).png

Reels Templates | Canva Templates | Faceless Clips | Trend Reports | Content Ideas | Masterclasses | Captions | Courses | Community


*3 Months FREE
**FREE Instagram audit with every annual purchase!

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Imagine having all of your posts and strategy planned out for you each and every month!


With the Content Academy, we'll hand you the key dates & content ideas for each month PLUS the visual content (hand-made original Canva templates & Carefully Curated Faceless Video Clips to go with them!

With 10 years in Marketing & Two Degrees behind her belt, Ex-University Marketing Lecturer & Renowned Agency Marketing Manager Abigail Frances will handle ALL the strategy for you.


Not sure what to post when? What's changing in the world of Instagram and marketing? What on earth is trending right now? Don't worry -  that's all handled inside our Monthly Reports & Videos!


*3 Months FREE
**FREE Instagram audit with every annual purchase!

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No Problem!

  No Strategy? No Plan?  

We designed The Content Academy to be your go-to resource for everything Instagram!


The membership will give you all your post ideas for the month, pair them with new and visually appealing reels and templates, give you the captions needed to fill them out, and update you on how your strategy should change, what's trending, and what's new to the app... All these are updated every month!!


Sign up Now for just $17/Month!

Right now, Monthly Membership to The Content Academy is only $17/Month -  when you join now - you lock in this price for life and will never pay more monthly. However, this price will be going up for new users who join after the 31st March 2024!


Sing up below for just $17 Monthly, or $200 for the entire year. When you join on the annual subscription, you'll secure a discount of $124 and a FREE Instagram Audit (Sold individually for $72). Join now by selecting a plan below!


*3 Months FREE
**FREE Instagram audit with every annual purchase!

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